Brad Koch '18 MAEd
Teacher Leadership Emphasis
Maximizing strengths, emphasizing growth
Brad Koch ’18 MAEd was able to maximize his strengths, improve his professional skills, and make lasting connections in the program.
MMU: What is unique about our MAEd program? What do you think is it’s biggest strength?
BK: I think the most unique feature of MMU's program is how it is designed to maximize your strengths, but also draw out and help improve your deficit areas. The classes provide quality core learnings, but also the opportunity for you to personalize your education.
MMU: Where do you currently work and what is your role? Where do you hope to be in the future and how will your MAEd degree help you get there?
BK: I’m currently the building facilitator at Prairie Hill Elementary in Cedar Rapids. I love my current position, so I don’t envision changing roles, but I do hope to maximize my teacher leadership potential.
MMU: Did anything surprise you about our program? If so, what?
I think the biggest surprise was some of the lifelong friends and connections I made throughout the program.
BK: I think the biggest surprise was some of the lifelong friends and connections I made throughout the program. Going into the program, my goal was to buckle down and maximize my learning. I ended up having a lot of fun and looked forward to the interactions with my classmates each week.
MMU: Anything else to add?
BK: In part because of my experiences, my daughter actually chose to pursue her undergraduate music education degree at Mount Mercy!